For guys naturally gifted to being hairy and big, there are key exercise plans to develop yourself to a beefy, burly and strong hunk of
big MuscleBear.
Focus on popular workouts of HIT -- High Intensity Interval Training. Which means heavy weights with low-repetitions of just a few key compound lifts that recruit multiple major muscle groups at once. Our bodies have a couple of major, very large muscles that respond and develop the fastest -- and those need to be the primary ones to focus on to reach the greatest gains in mass and bulk quickly.
One's diet and nutrition must be high in protein foods to encourage for the most tissue regeneration during recovery phases. Avoid excess fat intake, as thick bone
Muscle Bears are quite prone towards being overweight and something Bear Powerlifters are most prone to because of their typically Endomorphic body builds.
Please, please! Refrain from shaving your furry body and try to avoid worrying over other guys being unable to readily see the muscle mass or definition under your furry coat. Substantial growth of muscle mass will still be readily visible. Refrain from shaving your whole body unless you're a Musclebear who enters a bodybuilding contest that demands a totally clean-shaven and smooth body. When that event comes shop for the
best body grooming tools to get the task completed easily.